Monday, 28 January 2008

Found at

The page cannot be found HTTP 404 - File not found.

In SharePoint Portal Server 2003 portal site or a Windows SharePoint Services Web site

This issue occurs if you do not configure an exclusion for the path of the new virtual directory. If you do not want SharePoint Portal Server 2003 or Windows SharePoint Services to handle requests for content in the virtual directory, you must exclude the path of the virtual directory.

Back to the top
To resolve this issue, configure an exclusion for the path of the new virtual directory. Follow these steps:
1. Start Windows SharePoint Services Central Administration.
2. Under Virtual Server Configuration on the Windows SharePoint Services Central Administration page, click Configure virtual server settings.
3. On the Virtual Server List page, click the virtual server that you want to configure. For example, click Default Web Site.
4. Under Virtual Server Management on the Virtual Server Settings page, click Define managed paths.
5. In the Add a New Path area of the Define Managed Paths page, type the path that you want to exclude from Windows SharePoint Services in the Path box. For example, type /NameOfVirtualDirectory.
6. Under Type, click Excluded path, and then click OK.
7. Verify that the path that you excluded is listed in the Excluded paths area of the Define Managed Paths page.

Saturday, 26 January 2008

Found in
dim objHTTP , objXML , objXSL
set objHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "GET", "", false
set objXML = objHTTP.responseXML
set objXSL=Server.CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom")


if (objXSL.parseError.errorCode = 0) then

    Response.Write "Error: " & objXSL.parseError.reason & "<br> URL:" & objXSL.url
end if

Set objHTTP = Nothing
Set objXML = Nothing
Set objXSL = Nothing

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:template match="/">


<BODY BGCOLOR="ffffff">


<DIV ALIGN="center">

      <xsl:for-each select="moreovernews/article">
         <TR VALIGN="middle">

           <TD ALIGN="left" BGCOLOR="ffffff">
             <xsl:attribute name="HREF">
               <xsl:value-of select="url"/>
             <xsl:attribute name="TARGET">

             <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial,Helvetica, sans-serif" SIZE="-1" COLOR="000000">
               <xsl:value-of select="headline_text"/>

           <xsl:attribute name="HREF">
             <xsl:value-of select="document_url"/>
           <xsl:attribute name="TARGET">

           <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial,Helvetica, sans-serif" SIZE="-2" COLOR="666666">
             <xsl:value-of select="source"/>

           <xsl:attribute name="HREF">
           <xsl:value-of select="access_registration"/>
           <xsl:attribute name="TARGET">
           <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial,Helvetica, sans-serif" SIZE="-2" COLOR="666666">

             <xsl:value-of select="access_status"/>
         <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial,Helvetica, sans-serif" SIZE="-2" COLOR="666666">
           <xsl:value-of select="harvest_time"/> GMT




Monday, 7 January 2008

Flash Source Files

I just found out about a really cool list of videos about Flex/Flex Builder. They are great for learning, especially about the new features for Flex 3.

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